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Cé muid féin agus ár gcuspóirí
50 years growing and developing
50 years growing and developing
Turais Samhraidh Ógras
Turais Samhraidh Ógras
Fáilte go dtí Ógras!
Ógras is an Irish-language youth organisation for young people from 7-17 years old. We offer a wide range of youth services and activities including Clubs, Camps, Trips, Projects, Workshops, International Exchanges and more, all through Irish. Our clubs are divided according to age: Óg-Ógras looks after 7-12 year-olds while Ógras serves those aged 12-17. We are committed to providing a safe, nurturing and positive space for young people to make friends and have fun through Irish, helping them in their personal development and to achieve a sense of community and a grá for Irish culture and language, their peers and themselves.
Coinnigí slán!
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