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Planning a new club
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Forming a club? Click on any of these helpful tips…

These are some priorities for setting up a new club:

Young people 


Make sure that there are enough young people in the area in which you intend to set up a club.



There will also need to be adults in the area that are happy to give their time and energy to the club. It is necessary that adults are involved in the club, the more people you can get to help out the better as a rota can be worked out so that no one is left with too much to do.



You will need to find a location that is suitable for the clubs activities, it will need space for activities, for meetings and for educational games.



It is important to seek support prior to establishing the club. This support should be sought from upstanding members of the community such as Gardaí, Teachers, the local Priest, older members of the community and especially parents.

Connect wth local structures 


Make contact with local youth services in your area to access support, direction and training.




It is necessary that induction training is provided to new leaders.

Senior members


Senior members can have a central role in the club, working with the adult leaders. Training, support and direction should be made available to senior members as well as leaders.



It is always a good idea to set out a plan before you start.



Before opening the club, you should try to ensure that you have some money collected to cover insurance and equipment costs.

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Heart & Hands

"It is essential that induction training be provided to new leaders"

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