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Funding your club
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Forming a club? Click on any of these helpful tips…

Sample budget

This sample budget is based on 30 members attending the club over a period of 30 weeks. It is also taken that the club will take part in two regional and two national events.

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Sources of


There are many ways to collect money for the club in the locality, you only need to make it known that you provide an important service in the area and that investment in the club goes back into the local economy. Former members also remember the club when they have grown up and can often be relied on to help out as they know the clubs importance to the area.


Here are a few examples of the opportunities that are available for collecting money. Sponsored events can be organised, items sold, a collection for the club, organise a céilí/disco, sell advertising space in the club newsletter and in any number of other ways.


You can apply for grants as well, The local educational committee, the county council, Foras na Gaeilge and Seachtain na Gaeilge all provide opportunities to gain new sources of funding.

Foras na Gaeilge 
Coiste Gairmoideachais



Clubs based in Dublin can apply for various grants under Dublin City's Youth Service (CDYSB).

More information here

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Emphasise to the public the value of a youth club

in the community 

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Uimhir chláraithe charthanais

20204025 - CHY 22409

Cuideachta Theoranta gan Scairchaipiteal #638154

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