Cé muid féin agus ár gcuspóirí
50 years growing and developing
50 years growing and developing
Turais Samhraidh Ógras
Turais Samhraidh Ógras

Talent Show
Ógras runs a talent show for clubs every year during 'Seachtain na Gaeilge', where our Óg-Ógras clubs from each province put together a play/show and perform it for the other clubs and for their friends and families! This year's Seó Ardáin will take place in March
Club members must use their imagination to think up a play/show on a specific theme. This year's theme is:
The Positive Impact of Young People on the World.
Through discussion of this theme, the groups should compose a story that fits it suitably. Ógras expects that an effort will be made by every participating club to tackle the theme in a creative and imaginative way.
Prizes will go to those clubs that display extraordinary skills in the following categories:
Discussion of theme (expecting creativity and variety)
Imagination (as regards approach and how the play is put together)
Dancing/Music (There must be at least one piece of music and one dance in the play)
Use of Irish (the play must be fully through Irish only, with a few exceptions)
Acting (Comfort, practice, approach)
Team Work (the aims of the Seó Ardáin are to encourage group spirit and team experience)
If you have any questions about the talent shows, please contact your local Development Officer (contact details to the right).
Club members must use their imagination to think up a play/show on a specific theme
If you have any questions about the talent shows, please contact your local Development Officer