Online Camp 2021
Ógras 2021 Camps will be BOTH outdoors and online!! Because last year's online camps were so successful - and because of all the queries...
Online Camp 2021
Loadsa fun at the Galway Camp
Galway Summer Camp starts with the Sun
Óg-Ógras win X-Hale Community prize
Western Óg-Ógras on the Water
Art workshop with Ógras
Óg-Ógras in Carlingford
Ógras outside
Seo Linn & Muireann at the ILFD
Óg-Ógras in the woods
Ógras Newsletter Summer 2021
Bosca Grá
Ógras First Aid course
Ógras Summer Camps 2021- Outside!
Laethanta Óg-Ógras ar fud na tíre
Damhsa agus spraoi Ógras san Iodáil
Anois is féidir leat bheith mar cheannaire i gclub Ógras